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June 18, 2018

WHy do people say hobbies build skills?

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  3. WHy do people say hobbies build skills?
knuxnole 1 day ago#1
Aren’t hobbies things you do to have fun? None of my hobbies make me have any skills or strength:

Playing video games
Watching movies
Watching tv
Listening to music
Hanging out with friends

IDK if that is what pretentious yuppies say, who knows. I don’t even have any skills.
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
Playing video games can help hand-eye coordination
Eating/Drinking can improve your palette

You won't develop any skills if you aren't going into your hobby with that intention.

Like, listening to music, for example. Person A just listens to it to listen while Person B is listening to the music to dissect it and understand it more. 

It's really the amount of effort you put in ultimately affecting what you get out of it.

You might wanna rethink your finances if shopping is something you do for fun. That can very quickly turn un-fun if you don't have the money to afford your expenses.
knuxnole 1 day ago#3
Not every week probably every 3-4 weeks I go shopping

I don’t like to dissect music I just like to listen 

I mainly do my hobbies for fun, to pass time for the day
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
pinky0926 1 day ago#4
When people are talking about hobbies in that sense they usually mean some kind of craft or exercise, not just existing in an entertaining way.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
Romulox28 1 day ago#5
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media
sauceje 1 day ago#6
Bacon_Pancakes posted...
Eating/Drinking can improve your palette

The word you're looking for is palate.
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
pinky0926 posted...
When people are talking about hobbies in that sense they usually mean some kind of craft or exercise, not just existing in an entertaining way.

This. Basically actively learning and improving in something.
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media

Would you consider reading to be mindless consumption?
How smart are you? How dumb am I? Don't count any, of my advice.
PSN: Crimson_Arcade, Switch FC: 2459-7124-5704
Dustin1280 1 day ago#9
pinky0926 posted...
When people are talking about hobbies in that sense they usually mean some kind of craft or exercise, not just existing in an entertaining way.
RIP: Canuklehead, Karma: 1369 // RIP: Gen_Lee_Enfield, Karma: 1731 // 
RIP: Orlando of the Axe, Karma: 1642 // RIP nayr626 Karma: 4395 --They delivered!
Hexenherz 1 day ago#10
Arguably watching TV/movies and listening to music are pastimes not hobbies. 

But even then you can learn from them, for instance if you're studying a foreign language and watching/listening to media in that language.
ESO: @Ultima_Vyse
RS3: UltimaSuende . 99 WC/99 FISH/ 85/99 Cooking
knuxnole posted...
Playing video games

Depending on the game it can develop all sorts of intellectual skills. Reaction time, planning and strategy, reaction to emergencies, pattern recognition, etc.

The others...ehhhh I wouldn't even call them hobbies. They're just leisure activities and basic human functions.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
knuxnole 1 day ago#12
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media

There aren’t any

That’s mainly what I enjoy for fun

I don’t like to play sports or do hard physical work. Or make things. I’d rather listen to music or watch a tv show or play a game than make them

Or eat and drink food rather than make them
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole 1 day ago#13
RoboLaserGandhi posted...
knuxnole posted...
Playing video games

Depending on the game it can develop all sorts of intellectual skills. Reaction time, planning and strategy, reaction to emergencies, pattern recognition, etc.

The others...ehhhh I wouldn't even call them hobbies. They're just leisure activities and basic human functions.

To me, some basic human functions are fun lol

I guess I consider hobbies “things I do for fun”

What’s the right word for that if hobbies aren’t?
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole 1 day ago#14
doomcrusader posted...
pinky0926 posted...
When people are talking about hobbies in that sense they usually mean some kind of craft or exercise, not just existing in an entertaining way.

This. Basically actively learning and improving in something.


What if you don’t like to do either of those at all?
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
Hexenherz 1 day ago#15
Then that's your prerogative and you should be thankful you live in a society where you can enjoy your free time the way you see fit?
ESO: @Ultima_Vyse
RS3: UltimaSuende . 99 WC/99 FISH/ 85/99 Cooking
knuxnole 1 day ago#16
Hexenherz posted...
Then that's your prerogative and you should be thankful you live in a society where you can enjoy your free time the way you see fit?

Which is true for all of us. That’s life

Some people like to create.

I am meant to consume. That’s my purpose. My hobbies aren’t meant to make me have skills.

The ones that involve crafting exercising or learning are probably not things I find fun
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole posted...
RoboLaserGandhi posted...
knuxnole posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Depending on the game it can develop all sorts of intellectual skills. Reaction time, planning and strategy, reaction to emergencies, pattern recognition, etc.

The others...ehhhh I wouldn't even call them hobbies. They're just leisure activities and basic human functions.

To me, some basic human functions are fun lol

I guess I consider hobbies “things I do for fun”

What’s the right word for that if hobbies aren’t?

knuxnole 1 day ago#18
Ahhhh ok

So yes. I have TONS of interests 

But 0 hobbies. 

Are there anyone else with no hobbies?

I guess gaming can count idk
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media

Can you please recommend some hobbies

recently I've taken up biking in the street but I had to stop because I am afraid of getting run over by a car
ArchiePeck 1 day ago#20
If I hadn't started doing amateur theatre I assuredly wouldn't have ended up with the confidence I do and the talking/presenting skills that I have.

Wouldn't be as good at job interviews so it's had a real tangible impact on my career and earnings.
knuxnole 1 day ago#21
Also, what is bad about mindlessly consuming media? That’s what we all do

Literally that’s what I do every day for my entire life, and my life goal until death
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
ArchiePeck 1 day ago#22
knuxnole posted...
Also, what is bad about mindlessly consuming media? That’s what we all do

Literally that’s what I do every day for my entire life, and my life goal until death

I think nowadays the amount of time some people sink into consuming media negatively affects the time they are able/willing to put into developing other areas of their life - relationships, learning, travelling, experiences - which I suspect many people on their death bed will wish they done more of, rather than having seen that extra season of some show.
knuxnole 1 day ago#23
Honestly I would regret not playing 2 games on my backlog than “traveling” somewhere I would find boring

I hate traveling. Never left my home state and don’t want to tbh. I hate learning reminds me of school

I’ve experienced a lot tbh

I got friends. Don’t want marriage or kids *shudders*
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
NES4EVER 1 day ago#24
knuxnole posted...
Honestly I would regret not playing 2 games on my backlog than “traveling” somewhere I would find boring

I hate traveling. Never left my home state and don’t want to tbh. I hate learning reminds me of school

I’ve experienced a lot tbh

I got friends. Don’t want marriage or kids *shudders*

Hey if you're happy doing what you're doing then who cares if they develop skills. I disagree with you on just about everything but I'm not gonna tell you what should make you happy.
nu-horsemen 4evar
[A GameFAQs Moderator was deleted by this message]
Hexenherz 1 day ago#25
Yeah at this point you should realize that literally no one cares how you live your life and no one is going to try to tell you how to live your life despite repeated requests for the same.
ESO: @Ultima_Vyse
RS3: UltimaSuende . 99 WC/99 FISH/ 85/99 Cooking
ArchiePeck 1 day ago#26
knuxnole posted...

I’ve experienced a lot tbh

It doesn't sound like you're experiencing much at all in the grand scheme of things tbh, but if you're genuinely happy with this life then that's more than half the battle - lots of people are unhappy and unsatisfied with their situation.
knuxnole 1 day ago#27
NES4EVER posted...
knuxnole posted...
Honestly I would regret not playing 2 games on my backlog than “traveling” somewhere I would find boring

I hate traveling. Never left my home state and don’t want to tbh. I hate learning reminds me of school

I’ve experienced a lot tbh

I got friends. Don’t want marriage or kids *shudders*

Hey if you're happy doing what you're doing then who cares if they develop skills. I disagree with you on just about everything but I'm not gonna tell you what should make you happy.

lol why do you disagree? Just out of curiousity, wouldn't you AGREE?

If I did the opposite or agree with your life standing, I'd be miserable 1000%.

Not everyone has the same purpose. There are people that meant to live and consume. There are others that love to create. So, in essence, they create things for me to enjoy. 

I'm more of a receiver not a giver haha. That's my "class".
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Romulox28 1 day ago#28
@Vamp_Aubrey posted...
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media

Can you please recommend some hobbies

recently I've taken up biking in the street but I had to stop because I am afraid of getting run over by a car

depends, are you 27 or older?
@Romulox28 posted...
@Vamp_Aubrey posted...
Romulox28 posted... 
 show hidden quote(s)

Can you please recommend some hobbies 

recently I've taken up biking in the street but I had to stop because I am afraid of getting run over by a car

depends, are you 27 or older?

not yet

fortunately i still have some time before the end
It's dependant on yer hobbies and how you approach em but probly cause many hobbies do
"I got a rollatruc, look."
because they can
Disclaimer: There's a good chance the above post could be sarcasm.
Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
knuxnole 1 day ago#32
Guerrilla Soldier posted...
because they can

True it depends though

For me. I play videogames for fun, lots of MARIO, Zelda, sonic. RPG an sfighters
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
A lot of traditional hobbies are based around some skill. Sewing, car repair, crafts, etc. For me, I like to build furniture and longbows. There have always been hobbies that don't have as tangible of products and therefore the skills are more abstract. For example, people who like puzzles can build logic, but there is no end result to judge and the skill is not really measurable in the conventional sense, so it's harder to gauge.
knuxnole 18 hours ago#34
I don’t have any skills

My skills are level 0
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole posted...
I don’t have any skills

My skills are level 0

sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something

also, I'm kinda surprised you didn't list pooping as one of your hobbies
kewldude475 18 hours ago#36
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media


CrimsonWaffle posted...
Romulox28 posted...
try getting a hobby that is something other than mindlessly consuming media

Would you consider reading to be mindless consumption?

Obviously that depends on what you're reading.
(edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
knuxnole 8 hours ago#37
Mindlessly consuming media is my skill :)
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
ehhwhatever 8 hours ago#38
Try to spot at least 10 things a day worth looking at. easy hobby
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." Bob Marley
KILBOTz 8 hours ago#39
it seems like youre living quite the empty life. i doubt there are many people who on their death bed wish they had watched more tv/played more video games.
(edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
JACKBUTTMOMMY 8 hours ago#40
Did TC really list some basic life functions as hobbies? >_>

Edit: Nvm I see this was addressed.
(edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
Laserion 7 hours ago#41
pinky0926 posted...
When people are talking about hobbies in that sense they usually mean some kind of craft or exercise, not just existing in an entertaining way.

This. Let's make a distinction between just a "pastime" and an actual "hobby".
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
marc55 7 hours ago#42
knuxnole posted...

so being alive is a hobbie to you?
There is no sound, no voice, no cry in all the world that can be heard... until someone listens.
knuxnole 7 hours ago#43
KILBOTz posted...
it seems like youre living quite the empty life. i doubt there are many people who on their death bed wish they had watched more tv/played more video games.

It’s not empty. If I was on my deathbed, I would hope

1) to finish my backlog of games
2) finish seasons of tv shows

What else would I fill it with besides my interests? I have everything I need!

Travel? I hate it. I would be SO bored. I would be on my phone the whole time. I don’t want to leave me home state lol

My interests are my fulfillment. My possessions are my prize things of value!
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole 7 hours ago#44
marc55 posted...
knuxnole posted...

so being alive is a hobbie to you?

Doing those things are interests and hobbies yes!

I love to eat!
I love to nap and sleep

It’s like. When you list interests in bios. I put that I love to eat, drink, sleep, watch tv/movies, listen to music, play videogames, and pleasure myself.
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
Laserion 5 hours ago#45
I have knuxnole tagged as [Casual easy mode] for a topic he made on a gaming board. It applies to all his life as well.
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
MrPeppers 5 hours ago#46
Not gonna lie, video games have made me far better at laparoscopic surgery than the peers in my year. Like, noticeably better.
orcus_snake 5 hours ago#47
videogames for decision making and abstract problem solving.

music with rythm that might translate to dancing and/or singing.

shopping, planning and organization.

watchung movies might present some interesting idea that you want to try and become succsessful at it.

doing something multiple times is enough for you to become efficient at it, which is another way of beign called "skilled at X thing"

just think a bit further on what you do and how much better you have become at your shit, it's pretty simple.
"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"
knuxnole posted...
marc55 posted...
knuxnole posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

so being alive is a hobbie to you?

Doing those things are interests and hobbies yes!

I love to eat!
I love to nap and sleep

It’s like. When you list interests in bios. I put that I love to eat, drink, sleep, watch tv/movies, listen to music, play videogames, and pleasure myself.

Listing "I like to eat, drink sleep and pleasure myself" in your bio? You must get more pussy than the pound
knuxnole 4 hours ago#49
Shut_TheF---_Up posted...
knuxnole posted...
marc55 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Doing those things are interests and hobbies yes!

I love to eat!
I love to nap and sleep

It’s like. When you list interests in bios. I put that I love to eat, drink, sleep, watch tv/movies, listen to music, play videogames, and pleasure myself.

Listing "I like to eat, drink sleep and pleasure myself" in your bio? You must get more pussy than the pound

I don’t date lmao
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
knuxnole 4 hours ago#50
Laserion posted...
I have knuxnole tagged as [Casual easy mode] for a topic he made on a gaming board. It applies to all his life as well.

Thanks! I’ll list you as that too!

Easy mode and casual is the best :)
3DS FC: 4554-0309-4782
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  3. WHy do people say hobbies build skills?