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February 23, 2013

A Take on "Gamers"

Not fundamentally different than anyone else spending their time before they die. Could be doing a lot more with your time, like learning essential life skills, but there are worse things you could be doing. Depending on the game you could learn critical thinking or become better at problem solving.

The stigma from playing games is pretty bad, though. They're rapidly declining in quality aswell, probably since 2002 or 2005 depending on your tastes. Doesn't help when people call themselves 'Gamers' though. What's with this stereotype that their supposed to be an intelligent "bunch"?

In reality smart people aren't attracted to hours of repetitive digitally induced stimuli as lifestyle. Everyone claiming to be "hardcore" that I've come across is unemployed, lives with his (there is no her) parents, awkward, unfit, socially inept and can barley string together a grammatically correct sentence while maintaining eye contact.

Possibly the most entertaining activity one can partake in while sitting down. You can tell a lot about the nature of people by playing games with them that have no real consequence. That being said, the majority of chronic gamers are pathetic wastes of potential.

It's not a hobby, just like watching movies isn't a hobby. It IS a fun activity to participate in with friends. Anyone who identifies themselves as this just wants a label to identify their escapism with. It's just back-warming collectivism to make their addiction seem OK. Like people who smoke marijuana identifying themselves as "Stoners".

People that game and only game are a problem and are pathetic. They just take up space. Some more than others. Comparable to any addict. Who thinks they're intelligent? Maybe some say that about RTS players; being good mostly involves brainless repetition for years. Some of the best strategists and thinkers in the world have logged over 9000 days honing their skills. Stay away from the FPS freaks- those are the ones that will be able to kill you in 20 seconds with a remoted controlled robot in 30 years.

It's hard not to correlate intelligence with specific genres when you see so many of one type of people into a specific genre. If there are no intelligence differences, then for sure their are other mental diffrences. People who play CoD religiously probably have very quick reaction time, but little to no critical thinking.

You will never be a American

You will never become the high school quarterback and win the big game.
You will never beat up nerds and give them wedgies.
You will never have a cheerleader girlfriend and make out with her under the bleachers.
You will never have sex with her in your car in a drive-in theatre or on top of a cliff overlooking the city.
You will never go to prom.
You will never go to a prestigious college where you join a fraternity and do nothing but get drunk and have orgies with dozens of hot sorority girls.

February 18, 2013

Nintendo: Zelda Now Has Timeline

Zelda is already beyond the point of no return. It is as dead of a series as Metroid, Star Fox and F-Zero.

This man is responsible for the decline of Zelda. He has been at it for years since Majora's Mask up until Skyward Sword. Not a single game has surpassed Ocarina of Time. I dare you to prove to me otherwise.

And now they had the audacity to reveal an "official" timeline. It ruins the magic. The Nintendo of old, the good Nintendo, would have kept it a secret, and allow the fans to make their own conclusions. Now it is the Nintendo of the now, the one who keeps making awful games with no regard to anything else.

The new Zelda U will have the exact same visuals as Skyward Sword, more puzzles via the GamePad utilizing some "magic notebook", and be even worse than previous games. Mark my words.

February 15, 2013

Nintendo Home consoles are really finished.

This is what happens when you reject your dedicated fanbase, force waggle onto every game in your library, and then try to come crawling back.

"Like I said over and over: they've been sitting on hordes of money when what they should have been doing is expanding studios, opening up new corners of development and establishing fresh hardcore IP's with mass marketing budgets and making partnerships. They've started the partnership thing, but it might be too little, too late at this point, and they still have failed to do so in a meaningful fashion to appeal to third party support on Wii U. There's no way they should constantly be bumping into the "all our teams are occupied with game development" at the moment when their output is what it is; they need to grow.

It would have been an investment, it would have driven into their war chest, but that's how you make businesses grow: you take risks. And Nintendo has been a shockingly risk-averse company in recent years, at least as it relates to their software."

Even the Nintendrones of old are sick of their rehashes.
It only sold 55k for the entire month, and the month had an extra week!
That is worse than even the Gamecubes lowest sales.

This proves the Wii was the exception and not the norm - the casuals have moved on and so have the hardcore, serves them right.

The Wii U will start to sell when either the price goes down, or some real worthwhile games come out on it. Exactly what happened with the 3DS. Though I doubt the Wii U will be as successful as the 3DS.
Nintendo alienated every Nintendo fan I know including myself with the Wii.

I cannot explain hard enough how everybody that wasn't 10 or a super hardcore fanboy hated this console - even Nintendo knows it, which is why they said they are trying to get the hardcore back?
Did you grow up with the Gamecube?

The Wii is an NES 2.0. OIt shares the same philosophy as the console, and pretty much did the same thing as the NES.

People who love Fzero GX, OoT, and the such aren't the "core" base of nintendo. People who loved easy to pick up, arcade games on a consle called THE FAMILY COMPUTER are core nintendo.

>People quoting the usual Mario games to save Nintendos console.

GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.

The Nintendo fanbase is a vocal minority, the Wii was just an anomaly (read: consumer fad) in Nintendo's ever dwindingly market share. Outside of that, they've lost not just market share, but total numbers in every single console they've ever made.

We are not talking about Sony.

Sony are in the best position they have been in a long time. The only thing that is hurting them at this point is the strong yen.

Metroid Prime series. Super Mario Galaxy series. Luigi's Mansion. Wind Waker/Twilight Princess. Pikmin 2.

Nintendo consoles have sold less consecutively every year, then they hit a fad with the Wii like OP says, now the WII U HAS SOLD THE LOWEST ANY NINTENDO CONSOLE HAS EVER SOLD IN A MONTH, less than the gamecube, Nintendo is going back to it's low sales route like the N64 and GC, it's only natural.

It's all because Nintendo don't stop rehashing their childish bullshit and have inane policies to stop third parties. They are trying to change this too little too late.

the NES was a system that was marketed towards kids and the family, with a big library of games, which most were just shitty games that would parallel the "shovelware" that the wii had. Take off your nostalgia glasses and realize that the wii had the same purpose as the NES.

>The sales of a system only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The stock of a company only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The graphics of a system only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The amount of exclusives only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The targeted age group of a system only matters when one side wants to win an argument
>This is what happens when you reject your dedicated fanbase, force waggle onto every game in your library, and then try to come crawling back.

I need to address this because this is completely wrong and there are too many people here who believe what this joker is saying.

The purpose of the Wii and DS was to expand and reclaim its old audience, who had left following the NES years. Both the DS and Wii were made to be NES-like, with smaller games with arcade like qualities. Nintendo was doing literally the exact opposite of what OP is saying: they were trying to get their loyal audience BACK, who Nintendo had abandoned with the Nintendo 64.

Nintendo is failing because they have once again rejected their enduring fans. Wii U and 3DS embrace the Gamecube ways that doomed Nintendo in the early 2000s.

It's people forget that the Wii and DS were some of the most successful game devices of all time. How are the Wii U and 3DS doing?

SNES was actually successful, though, and had at least two killer apps. The Wii U's supposed killer app, NSMB U, flopped because it was a poorly made piece of crap that was obviously hashed out for a quick buck.

People loved twilight princess. Skyward Sword was a bust simply because they tried to change it too much and relied on a gimmick. If they make a new hardcore zelda that looks at all like the one in their tech demo, people will be all over it. And this isn't necessarily my opinion, its more based off of the general opinions I get when talking to customers in the FUCKING GAMESTOP that I work.

They changed it up for one game, and it failed. There is nothing to indicate that making a new one with a competent team won't sell systems. Metroid fans are some of the most dedicated fans out there, so if there is an at all decent game around the corner, they will get it.

>Mario Galaxy didn't sell systems
And you completely neglected a new smash bros, by the way, which is going to be the biggest system seller by far. I'm not necessarily defending the WiiU, as I'm not sure how I feel about it, but saying it has no system sellers on the horizon is stupid.The 3DS is "okay." Right now it's basically matching the GBA in sales, which isn't phenomenal (the DS really took off in its second year, the 3DS has plateaued).

Right now I don't see any games that will send the 3DS to new heights. Nintendo blew their load with NSMB 2, which was also crap, which they thought would sell gangbusters. Aside from maybe Pokemon, that's the only major system-selling game out there.

Twilight Princess is a good example, actually. I forgot about that. Since Twilight, though, every Zelda has been a joke. Twilight at least tried to emulate past success, where the DS games and SS tried to distance themselves from the series as much as possible.

I am counting on Nintendo pulling a bait and switch the Zelda HD. Nintendo did the exact same thing with the Gamecube, replacing the cool looking Spaceworld demo with Toon Link. Aunuma has already stated that the new game will not look like the E3 demo.

I don't know about Metroid, but if Super Metroid (which people more or less liked at the time) was enough to put the series on the bench for a generation, I can't imagine what Other M did.
Mario Galaxy did not sell systems. That is a fact and isn't really up for much debate. The first one, maybe, but the second one was all but forgotten weeks following its release.

Smash Brothers is up in the air. Even at its best, it still wasn't a huge system seller, but maybe that will change.

The facts are that the Wii U can't even compare to a failing handheld.

Nintendo consoles lost traction ever since the 64, and the Wii was the exception to the rule as we are seeing with the Wii U.

This might finally force Nintendo to get back up to speed with everyone else and stop depending on shit like Wii Sports and Wii Fit because casuals aren't loyal, they had years and years to make games before launching thing and it has NOTHING.

Meanwhile 3DS isn't doing as well as the DS because the 3D gimmick sucks, although it is experiencing success because of 3rd parties, rehashes, and somehow Animal Crossing which is the most biggest piece of shit casual game I've ever played (on GC) sold millions to girls.

Mass appeal doesn't have anything to do with quality, CoD is the perfect example to counter this argument. This is because CoD is the worst game in existence and it's also the game that every casual gamer hop on to "get into" gaming nowadays. The reason why CoD sells is because of marketing appeal which was generated by hype, not quality. The market isn't as smart as you make them out to be, all that they want is what's popular and voids what isn't. If a piece of shit is popular, then they will buy it or are you going to add that a piece of shit is a solid high quality product too?

I don't agree with the anon that's posting about sales=quality, but you have to understand that a very large portion of people who buy games don't give a rat's ass about how good they are. Work at a Gamestop, and you'll see. Half of the people who come in are parents looking to buy something to babysit their kid, and literally just want the most popular thing. Sometimes I lie to them and give them something good instead of CoD, and they don't know the difference.

You have to understand that a good portion of people just want to consume media, and it doesn't matter to them how good it is. If they see a bunch of marketing for it, they'll just pick that one. It doesn't mean that they're stupid, it just means that they don't want to invest time into figuring out what the best game is.

February 14, 2013

Pronouncing GIF

The GIF graphics file format was invented by CompuServe in 1987. In the years since, a debate has been raging as to the correct way to pronounce "GIF": like "jif" as in the peanut butter, or with a hard 'g' as in "gift" as a majority of Mac users seem to prefer. With this page I intend to clear this up once and for all...

It's pronounced like "jif". Period. The end. That's final. End of story.

You disagree? Hey, I'm just quoting the inventors of the format. Here's the evidence: CompuServe used to distribute a graphics display program called CompuShow.

In the documentation for version 8.33 in the FAQ section, it states:
The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), pronounced "JIF", was designed by CompuServe and the official specification released in June of 1987.

February 11, 2013

Stroke at the Keyboard

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

Here in Tampa, Florida specifically it's REALLY bad! There's an 8.5% OFFICIAL unemployment rate, but a large percentage of underemployed or those who have fallen off the unemployment rolls are being missed. It's similar in many areas.

There was a job fair for crappy entry level jobs at $8-10/hour last week. Over three thousand people showed up for a job fair with 23 employers.

Every week, only 66 new jobs are posted on Indeed.

>Any societal roles associated with any identifiable factions such as gender or skin colour are entirely a product of human society as an ongoing and moving system and can be adjusted with enough time spent realigning the gene pool and therefore are not permanently ever goign to be the case

Huddle House is better than Waffle House

Toy Story 3 was the best Toy Story

Empire Strikes Back wasn't the best Star Wars movie. I'm not sure which one IS the best, but it isn't Empire Strikes Back.

Dexter was cool for a while but needs to fucking end already.

Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 are shit. The first was the best.

Games are shit nowadays because their moneygrubbing makers are less focused on making quality games that last and more focused on making gimmicks like exclusive armor/weapons/etc. and merchandise for suckers to pay extra for.

prices are 100% relative to where you live. all you people need to keep in mind the bigger picture whenever you're whining about paying more than 30-40 for your 1/8ths. most of you retards have no idea what is involved in growing those extremely potent strains, nonetheless how much it costs in bulk. in my area for instance, there is absolutely no way you're going to find a pound of FUNK for less than $4,000 unless you have a ridiculous connect, and you're grabbing 5+ lbs at a time. which in that case, you MAY be able to get your hands on them for about 35 a piece. This is all due to supply and demand, one guy grabs 10 of them for 2,000, hands the 10 over to some other guy for 2500 a piece, then to another for 3,000 a piece, etc. until it hits the standard dealer. if you live on the west coast, due to the outrageous abundance, of course you're getting handfuls of chronic weed for 30 dollars. it's because everybody around you is growing it.

February 7, 2013

CYOA: you are BROCK and you are finally getting laid tonight

It's 3 in the morning, you can hear Ash and Misty going at it in the next tent over, you look to your own pitched tent in sorrow.

"I've failed you once again Onix." you say as Misty's moans fill the forest. 

You quietly cry to yourself for a few minutes as Ash makes Misty orgasm for the fifth time tonight, you counted, you always count. 

"What does he have that I don't? Is it Pikachu? Man fuck Pikachu. stupid rat fuck." 

you toss and turn as Ash and Misty take a quick break. 

"No Brock, no more crying. Tonight's the night."

What do you do?

A) Steal Pikachu, if it gets Ash laid, it can get you laid
B) Ask Ash if you can join in, you've been bros for years now
C) Kill Ash and Misty, they're sexing just to taunt you
D) Rape Misty

People actually thought bane was striking that night

bare minimum, the collective WISHED he was.

That's the problem, nobody wants to fix anything. They would rather die.

America the delusional. No wonder school shootings are at a all time high. The country is living in fantasy land. A land of American Idol and The Voice. A land where Jack Bower is God. A place where whoever signs the executive orders is King.

"Racist! Your a racist!" you will if the chemical attack on you andyour family wasnt enough, you have bought into the straw man arguments. You feast on red herring, because being born after 1985 it is your birth right.

"Just shutup and put the mio in the water." your paymasters scream. Place into the machine like the cog you are, you will never interact with the other cogs you are not linked too. You are divided into sections where you will stay forever and die.

If trying to convince the world that aborting unborn life is tolerable for you, then surely you wont have a problem when your fellow neighbors elect themselves to be euthanized before they turn 60.

"Life sucks, kill me!" they will cry, and they will be killed. 

The ones who want to live though? Ridiculed.

Our generation will live to see the death panels, the purges, and the integration of man with technology.

"Trolling! He's trolling!" you will cry.

I understand, it is your defense mechanisms activating. I can't be mad at you for that.

Hopefully you will understand one day though. Something will click in your mind, and you will remember me and this topic.

I seek to light brush fires in the minds of men that will burn the lies and deceit away, revealing a fresh new slate ready to be programmed by a fully functioning mind who refuses to kneel to corruption and bathe in the tyranny.

I look back to Thomas Jefferson, my hero, and always take great pride in knowing that he was about 33 years old when he signed the declaration of Independence. If only we had more people that looked up to him or George Washington then maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are in right now.

Instead of looking up to Magellan, Thomas Jefferson, the first astronauts, or something at least constructive..the youth are looking up to Bieber and the other icons the system creates and the other half are trapped in virtual worlds spending the best years of their life online logging hundreds of hours of world of warcraft (just generalities with the bieber and WoW....i dont know what the "new" big things are but its all the same template of control)

God have mercy on us all............and if there is no other spiritual plane, and we really are just a rock floating around in the galaxy..........please, something, somebody save us.

tough times are ahead, and we need to repent and get right with ourselves.

February 4, 2013

Bane: the Superbowl Fires Will Rise

Reports of people rushing to the exits and leaving the building in fear and confusion during the power outage moments after the Superbowl 47 half time show really made people think: Bane is here, it is my time to go.

Whether or not they were prepared to die is a debate to be had another day. For now, the conversation is if they are complacent in Banes master plan.

Yes, you read that right. For Bane to be successful, he relies on the weak and foolish. You better hope you dont fall into this category. For 34 to 35 minutes people internally batteled with themselves on what side they were prepared to battle and perish for. Right, or wrong.

All it takes is one man to pull the pin of a hand grenade in a sea of people to "make the fires rise."

No matter what location is pointed too on the map, the flames will rise indeed.

Are you understanding me? People have the audacity to say things will be fine as long as Mike Vick doesn't host next years puppy bowl. Hah, the least of their worries.

While Beyonces ass possibly blew a fuse or two, we should be concerned about the Ray Lewis double murders that could have happened all over again. During hurricane Katrina, people were locked in the Pontiac Silverdome to die. No worries, it's gotten a upgrade, - Mercedes Benz Silverdome. The rotting, the looting, the rape, the murder. The flooded stands where people where left to die played home to purebred Americans. Rabid sports fans who would do anything to sit in the building that Jake the Snake Roberts set attendance records in. The blindside has become real, and the fictional Micheal Oher has become real. Angered by the Hollywood hands changing up his story, he will insist that he always knew how to play football, just like I will tell you that I was a psycho build to simulate since day 1.

So silence. Silence you ignorant fool and join in, on the scarfing down of a billion chicken wings. Join the doctors office parade, of most bladder infections and doctors notes for fake sick days. Just be ready to join in the culture. The culture of losers, striving to be "winners".

Lets get ahead of the trends. Baseball, a 18th century sport has no business in even being in the 21st century.  But its here because i am selling it, and you will buy it. Remember that.

Mayor Bloomberg and his coalition of officials opposed to Americans exercising their Second Amendment right ran ads during the third quarter of Super Bowl 47 to confuse the true red blooded nature of the American man. With this commercial, it seems like the gun grabbers are trying to mislead the “dumbed down” public that the legislation they want is only asking for background checks? Yeah, and i'm Mantai Teo's girlfriend.

Ontop of all this, the sniper who defamed Jesse Ventura like it was a WWF promo or vignette has been shot dead at a Texas gun range. God have mercy on us all.