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July 24, 2013

Counter Strike

If you had an adolescence, you played Counter-strike. Maybe you were 1337, ameaturish, or you rage-quitted frequently.

Maybe you spent late nights in your room, staying up to play 1.5 with your friends from school, drinking Code Red Mountain Dew, or Surge, or Root beer. You had snacks. You had an alright computer, it wasn't the best, but you just put a 512MB stick of RAM in the fucker and now you're seriously running hot. You had a great time, sometimes bad times, but in the end; you had fun.

Counter-Strike dominated the E-sports league. Gave birth to it, even. Before it was Quake and Starcraft, but this game, right here, spawned some of the greatest gaming tournaments and competitions in the world. It's the #1 online action game in the world. Damn right it is. If you didn't play CS, you weren't shit.

If you're old enough, you remember CZ coming along. Fuck yeah, HD models you thought. Maybe you hated the idea, what the fuck? 1.6 is fine as it is, I don't want a sequel. It's bounced from studio to studio and I never thought they'd release it, surely it's shit.

They even released an Xbox version at some point.

Source. Jesus Christ, source. This is it guys, new generation. Look at those fucking graphics! The water! Decals! Ew, that M4 is ugly as shit. They're still doing the thing with bots? Eh. Maybe I'll pick it up.

It's actually pretty good. Source isn't too bad. Those who are true to the series stay with 1.6. CZ has it's base as well. But Source is gaining ground. People are migrating. The hitboxes are weird, the rates are wonky but it's a solid game. Player models come and go, there's a new ct_urban and new t_phoenix model now.

CAL and CPL are still around. CEVO is rising. But somehow, the game is more casual. It's drawing more players than ever before.

It's a timekiller. It's great. Surf, Zombies, Scoutknivez, everything. Valve didn't fuck up like they did with CZ. Things might just be alright for the franchise.

July 17, 2013

Trayvon is Cobra

You are a programmable guy that watches CNN and Fox who really thinks he's a hero. You dont work for Joe, Joe got taken over. The G.I. Joe command base has been taken over by Cobra, and I used a child like analogy to get through to you because that is your main programming template.

You dress like Cobra, you have the tactics of Cobra, you ARE Cobra..HAIL COBRA

All the GI Joe movies where the white house is attacked. The white house is run by Cobra, its run by Chaos, it's run by Specter. 

How do you think MI6, that Ian Fleming wrote about, he was in OSS; where the robber barons were going to launch a bio weapon to kill everybody. He wrote Moonraker in 19050's, thats the plan.

Oblivion is the plan. Zardoz is the plan. It's the only plan.

You better to pray to God they dont get this through. Because if Cobra, the snake, the devil, the black pyramid gets control it's all over for you. Thats why it doesn't matter if they kill me, because my family has no future unless we beat them. Sure, i can live another 10, 15 years "playing" ball with them.

Play ball, think i'm part of some elite. Live in a guarded high rise when the bio weapon is released we'll all being dying up in that high rise on the phone crying "I thought I was part of the team!"

To every police officer, to every FBI agent, to every secret service agent: you work for Specter. 
You work for Chaos.
You work for Cobra.

How do they get power? They stage a terror attack using Specter, using Cobra: who is Cobra? Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering groups wearing masks. They wear masks ladies and gentlemen because they are the corporate CEO's who are manipulating governments against each other.

Cobra runs the Muslims. Cobra runs the CIA. Cobra runs it all. Cobra is real.

Haven't you figured any of this out yet? You can call Cobra by whatever name you want, but they are in control of America. Cobra is in control, and they say veterans, gun owners, conservatives, and people who say there is a foreign new world order banking take over happening, their saying that we're the bad guys. 

That's what Cobra would say, thats what Specter would say, thats what Goldfinger would say.
Because thats who those people are.

James Bond works for Specter.
James Bond IS Specter, IS Cobra.

They are the bad guys, and the local cops don't know that because they are just like the man in Oblivion. Go see it, and then you'll understand it. It is an allegory for what you are. They see you as a flesh and blood robot. A animal that can't get above the program.

sourced: Ray Kurzweil, Zbigniew Brzezinski

July 9, 2013

Pyongyang: Believe in the Shield

I will get into the economy and show how wording/semantics dominated by a hereditary dictatorship, a cartel of private banks and how they designed a financial system to destroy our society by design.

Going into this right now, i listened to this Associated Press report. they are all talking him up, up on a screen. Video of Kim Jong-Il the hereditary dictator from his father Kim ill song. Now I'm seeing his son who's never been seen on North Korean TV who's never been seen by Western television that in the article that this guy is never before been seen… Like his dad the dictator and now they bring them out to say he will soon be your leader.

Your dad is sick. He wants all these men, all these parasites, all these women that literally cannibalize the North Korean people. The population is gone down more than 5 million is the last 20 years literally killing their own. A bunch of vampires with that little demonic goblin Kim Jong-Il stumbling around the stage unveiling his power, as they brainwash the population. 

Year: 2030. this guys all diseased and drugged out. While his father the hereditary dictator stands by while the diplomats land, they have 50-year-old airplanes. 50-year-old cars, the streets are empty. Vanity Fair reported that a decade ago that you could buy human body parts at the equivalent of hot dog stands on the streets of Absolute hell on earth worse the 1984: Pyongyang, but according to the churches of the payoff, of the federal government; under faith-based initiative response teams.. their teaching churches in this country to tell their flocks: Romans 13. To whatever government says: it's of God.

So according to their twisting the Bible: this is all God and we should all worship Kim Jong the third-generation dictator. All that you love: government to worship.

Worship the checkpoints, the face scanning cameras. 

Schoolkids scanning to get their school lunches. Nationwide, all of this this is where we are going. We understand we're going to be lucky if we only turn into something like Mexico within next decade.

June 22, 2013

CP 01

Microsoft stated many things that made their fanbase unhappy, like the Always On Kinect, Required Internet access in order to function, no game sharing, no disks, etc. etc.

But, fairly recently, Microsoft went back and corrected their mistake. All of those features are now not included with the Xbox One anymore, which is more or less better. The ruse i'm talking about, now here is where it takes place. This happens in marketing all the time.

> company makes product
> lots of hype
> makes it shitty
> even more hype from all of the butthurt fans
> all the positive negative hype fuels the product and makes it more known
> tfw all the bitching is actually making them thrive more and more

Again, i'm on no ones side, i'm just pointing out that all of these countless threads and comments on countless websites are actually gaining Xbox One more hype and fame. Its a painfully smart ruse, and marketing scheme.

you're not even worth my shift key. that's how little i think of you.


Have you ever been to Indyike tna shows where dudes showing up in all Cena gear get singled out? I've seen it a few times. Most of the time it's sad and pathetic but at times I can't help but laugh.

RoH- This dude gets mercilessly booed and mocked by the whole arena as he gets to his seat in the box. Shortly after his gf comes and kisses him at which point the crowd starts to boo her. Crowd chants "show your t***" and "she's not hot". (she was kinda good looking & the crowd consisted of dudes who couldn't get better) Eventually a dude in our section goes over to confront him for some reason. I'm thinking a fight will break out any second but didn't when Cena marks boy backs him up. My section was decent enough to boo the wannabe badass loser when he went back to sit down..

Another roh-dude starts "lets go Cena" chant as a joke. Crowd boos. Then I noticed they got even more hostile for some reason. I look over and a dude in all Cena gear is absolutely livid-yelling and cursing at everyone. Crowd chants "your a virgin" and "jump" (he was on the upper level) .

Local Indy show-this one was just shameful. It was the weekend of Halloween and they announced a costume contest. It was raining so only kids showed up in costumes so the contest revolved around them. Little 5 yo kid was in a Cena shirt and hat and got booed. Kid didnt seem to care thou he was waving his arms in the air all happy like. The announcer (Larry legend) had his back and he at least won one of the prizes.

June 18, 2013

Snakes Cancer: Summerfag Chemo

Alright faggots. If you want to stop this music then you're the cancer Old Snake was talking about in MGS4. Face it, you are the unstoppable cancer. Snake fought for his whole life for this species and what does he get in return? Newfags who fucking hate his song. This fucker had to fight multiple Metal Gears over his lifetime and he had to kill his only family, his father, Big Boss, and his brother, Liquid. He had accelerated aging programmed into his genes to prevent him from uprising against the people who were manipulating him his whole life, who were manipulating the whole world through their War Economy. It was no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID tagged soldiers carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war....becomes routine. Show this fucker some respect. And for all you youngfags who never played any MGS, the song is Love Theme from MGS4


The ultimate summerfag chemo...

creating this thread...

...which is nothing more than 100 other threads tonight, only with an image made to go with it.

...which is nothing more than recycling something that's already not only "been done"...but is being done elsewhere.

The shocking thing isn't the 100+ "stopmusic" threads all's how fucking many people don't use flashblocking plugins...

>2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008...etc...
>not using a flash block plugin for your browser


Blaming moot because you let your friends in on /b/. And they did the same. Then some of the faggots they associated with didn't lurk either and decided it'd also be a good idea to talk about it on social news. "Rules 1 & 2 only apply to raidz guise!!1!eleven" Then all these fuckers decided we were activists and /b/ is on the news. Not that it hasn't had brief mentions in the past but /b/ and the new gen of fuckwits branding themselves as "anonymous" was steadily On. The. Fucking. News. Cue more interest, and from the kind of dipshits that still watch basic television no less... 'cause we sure needed those types of people here.

But sure, let's blame moot. Totally his fault. Fucking morons.

i remember like it was yesterday, the day i visited /b/ the first time. that was nearly 8 years ago.
i was 11 when my father showed me his favourite web site. he showed me all the funny pics, of cats in weird poses and other shit. nearly everything was oc, golden times.
there wasnt such shit as gore or a lot of porn. but when there was, he just said "dont tell it mom"
when i asked him how long he browsed /b/ before and if /b/ did really change, he just laughed "boy, /b/ is always changing, /b/ is like life". however, he told me, that he was first time on /b/, when his father, my grandfather, showed him the website. he was as old as i was on my first visit and as old as his father, when his grandfather showed him /b/, that was back in the old days, the early 1920s i guess, when there was no internet and the pics of /b/ were still send on the postal way. however my great-grandfather is dead and my grandfather has alzheimers. everytime i try to ask him about the old days of /b/ he just tells me "to gtfo newfag"

February 23, 2013

A Take on "Gamers"

Not fundamentally different than anyone else spending their time before they die. Could be doing a lot more with your time, like learning essential life skills, but there are worse things you could be doing. Depending on the game you could learn critical thinking or become better at problem solving.

The stigma from playing games is pretty bad, though. They're rapidly declining in quality aswell, probably since 2002 or 2005 depending on your tastes. Doesn't help when people call themselves 'Gamers' though. What's with this stereotype that their supposed to be an intelligent "bunch"?

In reality smart people aren't attracted to hours of repetitive digitally induced stimuli as lifestyle. Everyone claiming to be "hardcore" that I've come across is unemployed, lives with his (there is no her) parents, awkward, unfit, socially inept and can barley string together a grammatically correct sentence while maintaining eye contact.

Possibly the most entertaining activity one can partake in while sitting down. You can tell a lot about the nature of people by playing games with them that have no real consequence. That being said, the majority of chronic gamers are pathetic wastes of potential.

It's not a hobby, just like watching movies isn't a hobby. It IS a fun activity to participate in with friends. Anyone who identifies themselves as this just wants a label to identify their escapism with. It's just back-warming collectivism to make their addiction seem OK. Like people who smoke marijuana identifying themselves as "Stoners".

People that game and only game are a problem and are pathetic. They just take up space. Some more than others. Comparable to any addict. Who thinks they're intelligent? Maybe some say that about RTS players; being good mostly involves brainless repetition for years. Some of the best strategists and thinkers in the world have logged over 9000 days honing their skills. Stay away from the FPS freaks- those are the ones that will be able to kill you in 20 seconds with a remoted controlled robot in 30 years.

It's hard not to correlate intelligence with specific genres when you see so many of one type of people into a specific genre. If there are no intelligence differences, then for sure their are other mental diffrences. People who play CoD religiously probably have very quick reaction time, but little to no critical thinking.

You will never be a American

You will never become the high school quarterback and win the big game.
You will never beat up nerds and give them wedgies.
You will never have a cheerleader girlfriend and make out with her under the bleachers.
You will never have sex with her in your car in a drive-in theatre or on top of a cliff overlooking the city.
You will never go to prom.
You will never go to a prestigious college where you join a fraternity and do nothing but get drunk and have orgies with dozens of hot sorority girls.

February 18, 2013

Nintendo: Zelda Now Has Timeline

Zelda is already beyond the point of no return. It is as dead of a series as Metroid, Star Fox and F-Zero.

This man is responsible for the decline of Zelda. He has been at it for years since Majora's Mask up until Skyward Sword. Not a single game has surpassed Ocarina of Time. I dare you to prove to me otherwise.

And now they had the audacity to reveal an "official" timeline. It ruins the magic. The Nintendo of old, the good Nintendo, would have kept it a secret, and allow the fans to make their own conclusions. Now it is the Nintendo of the now, the one who keeps making awful games with no regard to anything else.

The new Zelda U will have the exact same visuals as Skyward Sword, more puzzles via the GamePad utilizing some "magic notebook", and be even worse than previous games. Mark my words.

February 15, 2013

Nintendo Home consoles are really finished.

This is what happens when you reject your dedicated fanbase, force waggle onto every game in your library, and then try to come crawling back.

"Like I said over and over: they've been sitting on hordes of money when what they should have been doing is expanding studios, opening up new corners of development and establishing fresh hardcore IP's with mass marketing budgets and making partnerships. They've started the partnership thing, but it might be too little, too late at this point, and they still have failed to do so in a meaningful fashion to appeal to third party support on Wii U. There's no way they should constantly be bumping into the "all our teams are occupied with game development" at the moment when their output is what it is; they need to grow.

It would have been an investment, it would have driven into their war chest, but that's how you make businesses grow: you take risks. And Nintendo has been a shockingly risk-averse company in recent years, at least as it relates to their software."

Even the Nintendrones of old are sick of their rehashes.
It only sold 55k for the entire month, and the month had an extra week!
That is worse than even the Gamecubes lowest sales.

This proves the Wii was the exception and not the norm - the casuals have moved on and so have the hardcore, serves them right.

The Wii U will start to sell when either the price goes down, or some real worthwhile games come out on it. Exactly what happened with the 3DS. Though I doubt the Wii U will be as successful as the 3DS.
Nintendo alienated every Nintendo fan I know including myself with the Wii.

I cannot explain hard enough how everybody that wasn't 10 or a super hardcore fanboy hated this console - even Nintendo knows it, which is why they said they are trying to get the hardcore back?
Did you grow up with the Gamecube?

The Wii is an NES 2.0. OIt shares the same philosophy as the console, and pretty much did the same thing as the NES.

People who love Fzero GX, OoT, and the such aren't the "core" base of nintendo. People who loved easy to pick up, arcade games on a consle called THE FAMILY COMPUTER are core nintendo.

>People quoting the usual Mario games to save Nintendos console.

GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.

The Nintendo fanbase is a vocal minority, the Wii was just an anomaly (read: consumer fad) in Nintendo's ever dwindingly market share. Outside of that, they've lost not just market share, but total numbers in every single console they've ever made.

We are not talking about Sony.

Sony are in the best position they have been in a long time. The only thing that is hurting them at this point is the strong yen.

Metroid Prime series. Super Mario Galaxy series. Luigi's Mansion. Wind Waker/Twilight Princess. Pikmin 2.

Nintendo consoles have sold less consecutively every year, then they hit a fad with the Wii like OP says, now the WII U HAS SOLD THE LOWEST ANY NINTENDO CONSOLE HAS EVER SOLD IN A MONTH, less than the gamecube, Nintendo is going back to it's low sales route like the N64 and GC, it's only natural.

It's all because Nintendo don't stop rehashing their childish bullshit and have inane policies to stop third parties. They are trying to change this too little too late.

the NES was a system that was marketed towards kids and the family, with a big library of games, which most were just shitty games that would parallel the "shovelware" that the wii had. Take off your nostalgia glasses and realize that the wii had the same purpose as the NES.

>The sales of a system only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The stock of a company only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The graphics of a system only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The amount of exclusives only matter when one side wants to win an argument
>The targeted age group of a system only matters when one side wants to win an argument
>This is what happens when you reject your dedicated fanbase, force waggle onto every game in your library, and then try to come crawling back.

I need to address this because this is completely wrong and there are too many people here who believe what this joker is saying.

The purpose of the Wii and DS was to expand and reclaim its old audience, who had left following the NES years. Both the DS and Wii were made to be NES-like, with smaller games with arcade like qualities. Nintendo was doing literally the exact opposite of what OP is saying: they were trying to get their loyal audience BACK, who Nintendo had abandoned with the Nintendo 64.

Nintendo is failing because they have once again rejected their enduring fans. Wii U and 3DS embrace the Gamecube ways that doomed Nintendo in the early 2000s.

It's people forget that the Wii and DS were some of the most successful game devices of all time. How are the Wii U and 3DS doing?

SNES was actually successful, though, and had at least two killer apps. The Wii U's supposed killer app, NSMB U, flopped because it was a poorly made piece of crap that was obviously hashed out for a quick buck.

People loved twilight princess. Skyward Sword was a bust simply because they tried to change it too much and relied on a gimmick. If they make a new hardcore zelda that looks at all like the one in their tech demo, people will be all over it. And this isn't necessarily my opinion, its more based off of the general opinions I get when talking to customers in the FUCKING GAMESTOP that I work.

They changed it up for one game, and it failed. There is nothing to indicate that making a new one with a competent team won't sell systems. Metroid fans are some of the most dedicated fans out there, so if there is an at all decent game around the corner, they will get it.

>Mario Galaxy didn't sell systems
And you completely neglected a new smash bros, by the way, which is going to be the biggest system seller by far. I'm not necessarily defending the WiiU, as I'm not sure how I feel about it, but saying it has no system sellers on the horizon is stupid.The 3DS is "okay." Right now it's basically matching the GBA in sales, which isn't phenomenal (the DS really took off in its second year, the 3DS has plateaued).

Right now I don't see any games that will send the 3DS to new heights. Nintendo blew their load with NSMB 2, which was also crap, which they thought would sell gangbusters. Aside from maybe Pokemon, that's the only major system-selling game out there.

Twilight Princess is a good example, actually. I forgot about that. Since Twilight, though, every Zelda has been a joke. Twilight at least tried to emulate past success, where the DS games and SS tried to distance themselves from the series as much as possible.

I am counting on Nintendo pulling a bait and switch the Zelda HD. Nintendo did the exact same thing with the Gamecube, replacing the cool looking Spaceworld demo with Toon Link. Aunuma has already stated that the new game will not look like the E3 demo.

I don't know about Metroid, but if Super Metroid (which people more or less liked at the time) was enough to put the series on the bench for a generation, I can't imagine what Other M did.
Mario Galaxy did not sell systems. That is a fact and isn't really up for much debate. The first one, maybe, but the second one was all but forgotten weeks following its release.

Smash Brothers is up in the air. Even at its best, it still wasn't a huge system seller, but maybe that will change.

The facts are that the Wii U can't even compare to a failing handheld.

Nintendo consoles lost traction ever since the 64, and the Wii was the exception to the rule as we are seeing with the Wii U.

This might finally force Nintendo to get back up to speed with everyone else and stop depending on shit like Wii Sports and Wii Fit because casuals aren't loyal, they had years and years to make games before launching thing and it has NOTHING.

Meanwhile 3DS isn't doing as well as the DS because the 3D gimmick sucks, although it is experiencing success because of 3rd parties, rehashes, and somehow Animal Crossing which is the most biggest piece of shit casual game I've ever played (on GC) sold millions to girls.

Mass appeal doesn't have anything to do with quality, CoD is the perfect example to counter this argument. This is because CoD is the worst game in existence and it's also the game that every casual gamer hop on to "get into" gaming nowadays. The reason why CoD sells is because of marketing appeal which was generated by hype, not quality. The market isn't as smart as you make them out to be, all that they want is what's popular and voids what isn't. If a piece of shit is popular, then they will buy it or are you going to add that a piece of shit is a solid high quality product too?

I don't agree with the anon that's posting about sales=quality, but you have to understand that a very large portion of people who buy games don't give a rat's ass about how good they are. Work at a Gamestop, and you'll see. Half of the people who come in are parents looking to buy something to babysit their kid, and literally just want the most popular thing. Sometimes I lie to them and give them something good instead of CoD, and they don't know the difference.

You have to understand that a good portion of people just want to consume media, and it doesn't matter to them how good it is. If they see a bunch of marketing for it, they'll just pick that one. It doesn't mean that they're stupid, it just means that they don't want to invest time into figuring out what the best game is.

February 14, 2013

Pronouncing GIF

The GIF graphics file format was invented by CompuServe in 1987. In the years since, a debate has been raging as to the correct way to pronounce "GIF": like "jif" as in the peanut butter, or with a hard 'g' as in "gift" as a majority of Mac users seem to prefer. With this page I intend to clear this up once and for all...

It's pronounced like "jif". Period. The end. That's final. End of story.

You disagree? Hey, I'm just quoting the inventors of the format. Here's the evidence: CompuServe used to distribute a graphics display program called CompuShow.

In the documentation for version 8.33 in the FAQ section, it states:
The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), pronounced "JIF", was designed by CompuServe and the official specification released in June of 1987.

February 11, 2013

Stroke at the Keyboard

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.

Here in Tampa, Florida specifically it's REALLY bad! There's an 8.5% OFFICIAL unemployment rate, but a large percentage of underemployed or those who have fallen off the unemployment rolls are being missed. It's similar in many areas.

There was a job fair for crappy entry level jobs at $8-10/hour last week. Over three thousand people showed up for a job fair with 23 employers.

Every week, only 66 new jobs are posted on Indeed.

>Any societal roles associated with any identifiable factions such as gender or skin colour are entirely a product of human society as an ongoing and moving system and can be adjusted with enough time spent realigning the gene pool and therefore are not permanently ever goign to be the case

Huddle House is better than Waffle House

Toy Story 3 was the best Toy Story

Empire Strikes Back wasn't the best Star Wars movie. I'm not sure which one IS the best, but it isn't Empire Strikes Back.

Dexter was cool for a while but needs to fucking end already.

Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 are shit. The first was the best.

Games are shit nowadays because their moneygrubbing makers are less focused on making quality games that last and more focused on making gimmicks like exclusive armor/weapons/etc. and merchandise for suckers to pay extra for.

prices are 100% relative to where you live. all you people need to keep in mind the bigger picture whenever you're whining about paying more than 30-40 for your 1/8ths. most of you retards have no idea what is involved in growing those extremely potent strains, nonetheless how much it costs in bulk. in my area for instance, there is absolutely no way you're going to find a pound of FUNK for less than $4,000 unless you have a ridiculous connect, and you're grabbing 5+ lbs at a time. which in that case, you MAY be able to get your hands on them for about 35 a piece. This is all due to supply and demand, one guy grabs 10 of them for 2,000, hands the 10 over to some other guy for 2500 a piece, then to another for 3,000 a piece, etc. until it hits the standard dealer. if you live on the west coast, due to the outrageous abundance, of course you're getting handfuls of chronic weed for 30 dollars. it's because everybody around you is growing it.

February 7, 2013

CYOA: you are BROCK and you are finally getting laid tonight

It's 3 in the morning, you can hear Ash and Misty going at it in the next tent over, you look to your own pitched tent in sorrow.

"I've failed you once again Onix." you say as Misty's moans fill the forest. 

You quietly cry to yourself for a few minutes as Ash makes Misty orgasm for the fifth time tonight, you counted, you always count. 

"What does he have that I don't? Is it Pikachu? Man fuck Pikachu. stupid rat fuck." 

you toss and turn as Ash and Misty take a quick break. 

"No Brock, no more crying. Tonight's the night."

What do you do?

A) Steal Pikachu, if it gets Ash laid, it can get you laid
B) Ask Ash if you can join in, you've been bros for years now
C) Kill Ash and Misty, they're sexing just to taunt you
D) Rape Misty

People actually thought bane was striking that night

bare minimum, the collective WISHED he was.

That's the problem, nobody wants to fix anything. They would rather die.

America the delusional. No wonder school shootings are at a all time high. The country is living in fantasy land. A land of American Idol and The Voice. A land where Jack Bower is God. A place where whoever signs the executive orders is King.

"Racist! Your a racist!" you will if the chemical attack on you andyour family wasnt enough, you have bought into the straw man arguments. You feast on red herring, because being born after 1985 it is your birth right.

"Just shutup and put the mio in the water." your paymasters scream. Place into the machine like the cog you are, you will never interact with the other cogs you are not linked too. You are divided into sections where you will stay forever and die.

If trying to convince the world that aborting unborn life is tolerable for you, then surely you wont have a problem when your fellow neighbors elect themselves to be euthanized before they turn 60.

"Life sucks, kill me!" they will cry, and they will be killed. 

The ones who want to live though? Ridiculed.

Our generation will live to see the death panels, the purges, and the integration of man with technology.

"Trolling! He's trolling!" you will cry.

I understand, it is your defense mechanisms activating. I can't be mad at you for that.

Hopefully you will understand one day though. Something will click in your mind, and you will remember me and this topic.

I seek to light brush fires in the minds of men that will burn the lies and deceit away, revealing a fresh new slate ready to be programmed by a fully functioning mind who refuses to kneel to corruption and bathe in the tyranny.

I look back to Thomas Jefferson, my hero, and always take great pride in knowing that he was about 33 years old when he signed the declaration of Independence. If only we had more people that looked up to him or George Washington then maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are in right now.

Instead of looking up to Magellan, Thomas Jefferson, the first astronauts, or something at least constructive..the youth are looking up to Bieber and the other icons the system creates and the other half are trapped in virtual worlds spending the best years of their life online logging hundreds of hours of world of warcraft (just generalities with the bieber and WoW....i dont know what the "new" big things are but its all the same template of control)

God have mercy on us all............and if there is no other spiritual plane, and we really are just a rock floating around in the galaxy..........please, something, somebody save us.

tough times are ahead, and we need to repent and get right with ourselves.

February 4, 2013

Bane: the Superbowl Fires Will Rise

Reports of people rushing to the exits and leaving the building in fear and confusion during the power outage moments after the Superbowl 47 half time show really made people think: Bane is here, it is my time to go.

Whether or not they were prepared to die is a debate to be had another day. For now, the conversation is if they are complacent in Banes master plan.

Yes, you read that right. For Bane to be successful, he relies on the weak and foolish. You better hope you dont fall into this category. For 34 to 35 minutes people internally batteled with themselves on what side they were prepared to battle and perish for. Right, or wrong.

All it takes is one man to pull the pin of a hand grenade in a sea of people to "make the fires rise."

No matter what location is pointed too on the map, the flames will rise indeed.

Are you understanding me? People have the audacity to say things will be fine as long as Mike Vick doesn't host next years puppy bowl. Hah, the least of their worries.

While Beyonces ass possibly blew a fuse or two, we should be concerned about the Ray Lewis double murders that could have happened all over again. During hurricane Katrina, people were locked in the Pontiac Silverdome to die. No worries, it's gotten a upgrade, - Mercedes Benz Silverdome. The rotting, the looting, the rape, the murder. The flooded stands where people where left to die played home to purebred Americans. Rabid sports fans who would do anything to sit in the building that Jake the Snake Roberts set attendance records in. The blindside has become real, and the fictional Micheal Oher has become real. Angered by the Hollywood hands changing up his story, he will insist that he always knew how to play football, just like I will tell you that I was a psycho build to simulate since day 1.

So silence. Silence you ignorant fool and join in, on the scarfing down of a billion chicken wings. Join the doctors office parade, of most bladder infections and doctors notes for fake sick days. Just be ready to join in the culture. The culture of losers, striving to be "winners".

Lets get ahead of the trends. Baseball, a 18th century sport has no business in even being in the 21st century.  But its here because i am selling it, and you will buy it. Remember that.

Mayor Bloomberg and his coalition of officials opposed to Americans exercising their Second Amendment right ran ads during the third quarter of Super Bowl 47 to confuse the true red blooded nature of the American man. With this commercial, it seems like the gun grabbers are trying to mislead the “dumbed down” public that the legislation they want is only asking for background checks? Yeah, and i'm Mantai Teo's girlfriend.

Ontop of all this, the sniper who defamed Jesse Ventura like it was a WWF promo or vignette has been shot dead at a Texas gun range. God have mercy on us all.

January 29, 2013

Ontario Will Obey the 6 Genders

You will obey Kathleen Wynne. Remember that, as Dwight Duncan prepares his exit.

Lick the boots, of the one that stomps you. Next thing you know, you are smack dab in the center of The Rock vs Brock Lesnar when ever mark in the "universe" thought it was going to be once in a lifetime part 2.

Six. Once the number of the beast, but now the number of genders.

"But you dont get to choose what gender you are!" they'll cry.

Insist that they disrobe in order to bring the evil into the light.  While America cries over Rick Ross being gunned down on the highway, the coal power plants shut down while ever teenager dreams of being a Frank Ocean wannabe. No real skills, like the golf power of tiger woods or the buying power thanks to the shutting down of gas refinery. With the refineries off, the schools will continue to close and the Lakers will play their ball. 

Did you ever dream to see apple iOS 6.1 in your lifetime? These schools who didn't make the cut didnt. They will never have a Apple 7 in their computer labs to train the next wave of school shooters who would one day come back to have their way. These New York schools will never see it happen.

Holy Name of Jesus, 
St. James-St. Joseph, 
St. Jude and St. Agnes Boys High School.
Holy Name of Jesus in Valhalla,
Our Lady of Fatima in Scarsdale, 
St. Casimir in Yonkers, 
Our Lady of the Assumption in Peekskill,
St. Theresa in Briarcliff Manor, 
St. Joseph in Millbrook, 
St. Peter in Haverstraw, 
St. Joseph in Kingston,
St. Mary of the Snow in Saugerties,
Holy Spirit,
Our Lady of Angels,
Our Lady of Mercy, 
St. Jerome, Blessed Sacrament, 
St. Anthony and 
St. Mary Star of the Sea.

Goodnight, sweet princes. I hope you were archived and cataloged in each and every single way before you were either claimed by the storm or the machine.

January 23, 2013

"America is done because of the old white guys" - typical dems if the republicans are the bad guys, the good guys, are the ones who endorse partial birth abortion, legal discrimination in the form of affirmative action, confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens, burdening our children by borrowing 40 cents of every dollar, taking US taxpayer dollars to build F-16s and then giving them to the Muslim Brotherhood, covering up the murder of an ambassador, using US taxpayer dollars to bailout the people responsible for our economic mess, using our money to invest in businesses against our will (when we don't even get to keep the return on the investments if they succeed, but if they fail we're responsible for dumping more money into them. See: Solyndra, GM, etc), and overseeing the confiscation of earned money by working employees and distributing said money amongst those who do not work. 

Yup, the GOP's the tyrannical ones. Cause oh noes, they won't let sodomites **** all over christian marriage and they won't let lazy, selfish women from aborting their unwanted mistakes. They won't keep borrowing from our children to pay for your food stamps. Not saying the GOP are flawless saints....far from it. In fact, I don't associate with them, but I agree with them more in principle. 

But it's time you guys looked in the mirror. Even if you agree with gay marriage, abortion, affirmative action, etc, half the stuff you bash the republicans for, the democrats did just as much. 

You bashed Bush for the Patriot Act. No one said anything when Obama renewed it.
You bashed Bush for invading Iraq. No one said anything when Obama invaded Libya.
You blamed Bush for annual deficits of several hundred billion dollars. But Obama having trillion dollar deficits is ok. 
We hated Bush for supporting NDAA. So did Obama.
We hated Bush for supporting drone strikes. So does Obama. 
We bashed Sarah Palin for saying she could see Alaska from her home. But Obama can visit all 57 states and no one notices. 
We hate on guns because they're dangerous and get people killed. Eric Holder gives a bunch of guns to mexican drug cartels, and we have no problem with it. 

I'm not the one pretending that I'm on one side and it's perfect. I'm trying to be objective. You people are all a bunch of easily manipulated sheep who have been told half the story, accept it, and pretend to know what you're talking about. Which is why I guarantee instead of an interesting debate, I guarantee instead I receive nothing but flames instead. Because liberals don't know how to argue. They want things their way, like selfish children. The government tells you what you want to hear, you buy it because the idealism gives you hope, and then when someone tells you why you're whole thought process is fundamentally flawed, you reject it like a stubborn adolescent. 

January 21, 2013

Banning the ponies

>ima say zapping proxy lists
>wuma banned out all of my lists that i got in the past 24 hours
>only 2 working proxies outta like 100

>There is a shortage of proxies at,. could you stop being a douche and posting with proxies on /q/ where you are obviously stirring shit.

>Which you will no doubt render useless with you spastic ways. You are a burden. You are making people so frustrated. I am aware that you are a mong with no grasp of other people and no-one elses needs of your own.

>every list i have gotten today and yesterday have been perma'd out by you
>geesh i cant find anything that works

>id poast here 24/7 if the lists i got had more than 2 proxies that worked on it~
>fresh off the press lists banned out within an hour or so always

>WuMA physically prevents people from posting by doing his inane, insane crusade on /q/

lawl. Thanks wuma, and good work mods.

Because our resident special ed student is in fact doing us a favor.

Also, it's pretty funny to see these guys complain about wuma being "selfish" and "making people frustrated" when that is what they do for a living.

As much as I'd like to hear this, I'd be $50 that this is them trying to ruse all of us.

Maybe not, though.

Where the fuck do they get so many proxies anyway? Do they pay for being able to shitpost?

>!WuMA, who's a fucking minor.
Apparently he's in his early twenties, according to a random /b/read poster.

Anyway, the reasons supplied (see pastebin) are bullshit. In reality these circlejerks happen because their parents never got them out of the house to play with the neighbourhood kids when they were growing up. Or they just never socialized properly. Instead they have "internet friends", who aren't really friends at all; and because of the transient and emotionally unsatisfying nature of internet friendships, they need to keep recruiting ever more "friends" to try and staunch the gushing wound in their soul caused by loneliness.

So parents, make your kids go outside and play with other kids, otherwise they'll be circlejerking on /b/ until they're 30.

Popular or not, circlejerkers seem to have taken "internet socializing" to the extreme, to the detriment of real life socializing.
I think that's why we've seen a real rise in this kind of behavior in the last few years. People age 25+ weren't weaned on "internet friends" since there wasn't steam, facebook, forums like 4chan, etc. when they were growing up. So they actually went outside once in a while.

The sheer amount of dependency people's social lives have on the Internet these days kind of worries me.

>to the detriment of real life socializing.

Either way it's not just socializing on the internet that has consumed many peoples social lives, you think anons here that complain about "circlejerks" live fulfilling lives? It's a problem with the internet, not a problem with socializing.

They started out there I suppose, fucked if I know. A good chunk of them did move to a more appropriate site. I guess it's the same as asking people why they still browse /b/.

January 15, 2013

Americans betray God with their love of pork

Bacon is a sign of the nation's moral decay, and the ultimate symbol of being morbidly obese and just not giving a single fuck about it.

Mac & Cheese? Throw bacon on it.

Caramel apple? Throw bacon on it.

Salad? Throw bacon on it.

Ice Cream? Throw bacon on it.

America will burn because of bacon. I said it.

It's been said. Word is out. America will burn like Rome because of bacon.

January 13, 2013

Memorandums of the Enemy

We managed to get some moles deep within the enemy camp, but they are so gravely out numbered that if they were found out they would be swarmed and killed in seconds. Some minutes returned heavily reflect my disgust, while there is close to zero redeeming factors. I dare to say our double agents are being heavily influenced, i cant tell who's on whose side anymore. Transmission: out. Enjoy these messages from the darkness.


Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha HAAAAA

No more guns for you.


They're going to get taken away.

You can whine and bitch and moan about "liberals" and "guvment" and "The Bible" and how you can't even fuck your children anymore, but the federal government of the united states of america is going to take your guns away. And if you think "cold dead hands blah blah blah" then fine. They're going to go all Branch Davidian all over your stupid ass. Because no matter how many hillbilly republifucks you get together, we're gonna pull that bulldyke Janet Reno out of retirement, slap a hemlet on her and put her in the first tank that bulldozes your fucking house down. Because everyone knows if the government wants to come in, one way or another, they're coming in.

And they're gonna take away all your guns. In the end, you wont even have a slingshot you crosseyed hick inbred gun toting jesus-believing cocksucker.

And then it's off to re-education camp to beat that jesus bullshit out of you and 3 months of dick in your mouth and sensitivity training. Some of you will kill yourself but in the end WE STILL GET TO FUCK YOUR CORPSE.

So fuck you, Hannity-boy. Some poindexters mom is a gun nut, her kid blows little kids away, and thats the last fucking straw.






Cocaine and heroin are a public health problem, we should just go ahead and have the government ban those. That will eliminate the problem.

While we are at it, we should ban murder, too. And rape.

Why don't we just ban crazy people? Every month, you have to take a government issued crazy test. If you fail, we throw you in a wood chipper.


The funny part is, Nancy Pelosi is smarter than you. By like, a huge stretch. Because you're a right wing dipshit. and all right wingers are retards. They can have a fucking Pretty High and Deep from Harvard or Yale or wherever, but in the end, they're a bunch of retards who think gods real and that trickle down economics works. thus, they're fucking retards.

And you're on 4chan "huuuurrr cold dead 2nd amendment libtard props rush derp derp derp" and your stupid, poor ass votes for them or you think to yourself "OH HEY FUCK GUVMENT RON PAUL 20WHATEVER!" and year after year you waste your vote, like a retard who votes for the green party. unless you're voting green to get laid by a hot hippy chick then thats ok.

Most cops never fire their guns so I guess they don't need guns either.


You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible event like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? This issue is very serious, yet crazy assfucks like you are throwing shit jokes about it. Sick fuck, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about situations like this? Let me tell you, you are fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now. You are such a disgusting bully. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you really find funny about it? Stupid fucker I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours. Sick fuck. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about the attacks. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.


This is a pretty good way of putting it. Society rejects these people because they don't blend in well. It is no wonder that once in a while, society's rejects will fight back.

I can't tell you how many times I 'wished' people's heads off of their shoulders. Of course that's not nearly as effective and shooting people, but I was never that stupid or perhaps I was never pushed over the edge quite as far as this guy.

Whether we blend in well or not, we are ALL social creatures and we depend on the feeling of belonging and being accepted.

The next person you reject just may kill you or someone you love.


While I'm sensitive to the fact that opinions are subjective to the beholder, it seems quite clear that guns are a straw man in this case, and many others. Yes, it made it easier for him, but it's completely evading the problem: the environment which allowed him to become so far gone. Even if he didn't have a gun, and he used some other method with a less satisfying result, or hell, if he didn't even manage to kill one other person, does that make it acceptable that his mind was warped so badly? If these sort of people weren't exposed to what they were, we wouldn't have to have these arguments about taking away our own freedoms because we can't be trusted. That being said, in the extreme the argument is: Well, why can't we just buy rocket launchers from wal-mart without a license? As usual, we as a race try to simplify issues that can't be reduced to a yes or no. There's a middleground and multiple angles in almost every situation ever to come about; the universe simply isn't cut out for black-and-white solutions.

tl;dr fuck y'all who think you have clearly defined answers to issues


You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news...


I just reported this shitty fucking post, which is kind of funny, since I am a janitor. That's right ass hole. I don't need to report shit, but I thought I would in this case just so you know how bad you fucked up.

As a janitor, a user of elevated privilege, I actually have a special report interface that patches me directly to Moot. so he will be here soon to ban your ass. That's right, Moot and I are good friends so he regularly bans the fuckheads that I run across on 4chan. He also gave me access to the mysql database on the server so I can see every post you've ever made - and man, you posted a lot of fucking shit. I am actually going to report your IP to the feds, no joke, there is some seriously illegal shit in these log files which are currently up on my screen.

U picked the wrong board to shitpost on mother fucker. this is the end of you.


Young kid, could have been bullied at school. Would have resulted in him feeling upset and alone, his mother always busy with the kids she taught at school to really notice her own sons problems (at least in his eyes). This turned into frustration which eventually evolved into anger and the rest is history. His dad was just another obstacle. It's a commonly known fact that boys are always closer to their mothers. Especially betas like this.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


i dont see why the fuck i should give a shit about this when hundreds of kids are killed overseas by american troops daily.


You people always cite GUN VIOLENCE

You have half the GUN VIOLENCE we have an technically 0 private citizens own them. 80% of people in the US are gun owners, And we only have twice the gun violence you have per capita?
But your knife and blunt object violence skyrocketed? Wow, it's not like it's a known fact that humans are more likely to actually attack when they've got a knife rather than with a gun. The consequences seem lower with a knife, so people tend to actually use it.


Why is it okay for the military to have guns but not the civilians??

Why is it justifiable to send drones in neighboring countries to bomb them?

I'll accept the banning of guns once the military decides to do the same... oh wait... that wouldn't make sense now would it? If people think violence will drop if the banning succeeds.... what makes people think taking away weapons for the military would prevent wars?


You're right and I agree. Sick of years of this gun shit. Several people; NRA/"Don't Tread On Me" types get shot at the local shooting range ever year where I live. One short dick glares at another short dick, they puff-up their titties and next thing you know BANG. Dead dumbass. Or one of the idiots finally hit the paper target and spins around with gun in hand, finger on trigger and BANG! Some other dumb bastard takes a bullet in the brain. And if that was all that happened I'd see it as a self cure and wouldn't care. But then eventually there's a mass murder, or some kid is playing his music loud at the 7/11 and some puny-dick shoots him...time for all guns to go.


Yes, because those shitty locks on gun safes can't be picked with a paper clip.

You dips just want to have guns. It makes you feel like a big man and a tough guy and powerful and the idea of someone taking that away from you makes you think it's going to lead back to you dressing in your moms clothes again and getting fucked with her strap on. and it will. even if she's dead, she's going to come back to life and fuck you up the ass with her strapon again when they take your guns away.

because gun owners are a bunch of sissy boys and bulldykes.

But if only the shooters mom was a gun owner, or was allowed to conceal carry, she might have been alive today.

and jesus, and the bible and not with my tax dollars and its a child not a choice.


you really think people are gonna load all there guns in there cars and drive them down to there local sheriff for disposal? shit wont get banned, just another retarded 'assault weapons ban' that wont do shit and will get repealed in 8 years.
millions are guns are already here, aint shit anyone can do about it.


A 1997 high school shooting in Pearl, Miss., was halted by the school's vice principal after he retrieved the Colt .45 he kept in his truck.

*A 1998 middle school shooting ended when a man living next door heard gunfire and apprehended the shooter with his shotgun.

*A 2002 terrorist attack at an Israeli school was quickly stopped by an armed teacher and a school guard.

*A 2002 law school shooting in Grundy, Va., came to an abrupt conclusion when students carrying firearms confronted the shooter.

*A 2007 mall shooting in Salt Lake City, Utah, ended when an armed off-duty police officer intervened.
A 2009 workplace shooting in Houston, Texas, was halted by two coworkers who carried concealed handguns.

*A 2012 church shooting in Aurora, Colo., was stopped by a member of the congregation carrying a gun.

*At the recent mall shooting in Portland, Ore., the gunman took his own life minutes after being confronted by a shopper carrying a concealed weapon.

Then there’s the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser. People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don’t constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level. The gun is the only weapon that’s as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weightlifter. It simply wouldn’t work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn’t both lethal and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I’m looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don’t carry it because I’m afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation…and that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act.

Why carrying a firearm is civilized.

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force. The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gangbanger, and a single gay guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we’d be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger’s potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat–it has no validity when most of a mugger’s potential marks are armed. People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.


of course it makes them act aggressively because its monkey see, monkey do..i almost want to call it
behavioral placement.

want to start off by saying the kids today are graphically spoiled..there was no slow build up, it wasnt given to them in increments.....i started gaming before i could read at 5 on my nes and sega genesis and if they want to change the way game developers do thing, i dont know how its going to work because the next generation of people making games I THINK have a obligation to top what there was at least gameplay sake, and if anybody makes us change the way we make games its going to stop us from being able to do that .. the demand will always be there

great topic, love your show

what sounds crazy because you have been domesticated IS america