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January 23, 2013

"America is done because of the old white guys" - typical dems if the republicans are the bad guys, the good guys, are the ones who endorse partial birth abortion, legal discrimination in the form of affirmative action, confiscating firearms from law abiding citizens, burdening our children by borrowing 40 cents of every dollar, taking US taxpayer dollars to build F-16s and then giving them to the Muslim Brotherhood, covering up the murder of an ambassador, using US taxpayer dollars to bailout the people responsible for our economic mess, using our money to invest in businesses against our will (when we don't even get to keep the return on the investments if they succeed, but if they fail we're responsible for dumping more money into them. See: Solyndra, GM, etc), and overseeing the confiscation of earned money by working employees and distributing said money amongst those who do not work. 

Yup, the GOP's the tyrannical ones. Cause oh noes, they won't let sodomites **** all over christian marriage and they won't let lazy, selfish women from aborting their unwanted mistakes. They won't keep borrowing from our children to pay for your food stamps. Not saying the GOP are flawless saints....far from it. In fact, I don't associate with them, but I agree with them more in principle. 

But it's time you guys looked in the mirror. Even if you agree with gay marriage, abortion, affirmative action, etc, half the stuff you bash the republicans for, the democrats did just as much. 

You bashed Bush for the Patriot Act. No one said anything when Obama renewed it.
You bashed Bush for invading Iraq. No one said anything when Obama invaded Libya.
You blamed Bush for annual deficits of several hundred billion dollars. But Obama having trillion dollar deficits is ok. 
We hated Bush for supporting NDAA. So did Obama.
We hated Bush for supporting drone strikes. So does Obama. 
We bashed Sarah Palin for saying she could see Alaska from her home. But Obama can visit all 57 states and no one notices. 
We hate on guns because they're dangerous and get people killed. Eric Holder gives a bunch of guns to mexican drug cartels, and we have no problem with it. 

I'm not the one pretending that I'm on one side and it's perfect. I'm trying to be objective. You people are all a bunch of easily manipulated sheep who have been told half the story, accept it, and pretend to know what you're talking about. Which is why I guarantee instead of an interesting debate, I guarantee instead I receive nothing but flames instead. Because liberals don't know how to argue. They want things their way, like selfish children. The government tells you what you want to hear, you buy it because the idealism gives you hope, and then when someone tells you why you're whole thought process is fundamentally flawed, you reject it like a stubborn adolescent. 

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