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January 3, 2013

I am, the one.

Name: not important.
Demographic: white male twenty-something.
Location: deep within FEMA regions two and five.

In my lab, under the cover of darkness...I lye in wait. Waiting for my perfect opportunity to attack the minds of men and wake up humanity to my way of life.

Freedom, liberty, justice...all things LOST to our enemies within our society.

Who is the enemy? It is probably you.

Returning veterans and gun owners; you think would be my allies, but they most likely have already been compromised.

All year, through 2012, the "chatter" all over the place about the upcoming "X-flares" or solar flares is just cover for the upcoming EMP that will strike the heart of our Beautiful America.

I say ours, because that what it is....ours.

Once the EMP strikes frying all the electronics, my communication with you will be halted immediately unless my Faraday cages prove to be a success.

But knowing this predatory government, they will make the Faraday boxes illegal for one strange reason or another to ensure everybody is just as lost as them.

I hope you standby and enjoy my upcoming text transmissions. Although we are circling the drain, there is still hope for us........that is of course, if i dont decide to pull the plug at the last minute. Because as much as I want to see humanity thrive and colonize the depths of space, i also would love too see the whitehouse and everybody in it burn down to the ground. I want too see the powers that be launch a hellfire missile at the Canadian Parliament buildings in a rage of psychosis brought on by the generational congenital syphilis.

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